Karan's Podcast
Guest Credentials 

Hi, this is Karan. 

Thank you so very much for the honor of allowing me to share my guest credentials for your podcast.  I have two areas of specialty on which I love to speak:

  1. LEADERSHIP EXECUTION & DEVELOPMENT:  The insights from my research of over 10K individuals, which pinpointed the Top 7 leadership tactics mastered by the world's highest achieving leaders
  2. BLENDED WORKFORCES, THE HR INDUSTRY & THE WORLD OF WORK:  Megatrends occurring in HR and the workplace, with a focus on People strategy, internal/external talent pools, organizational effectiveness, and optimizing workforces to do their best work. 

Since the file sizes are a tad big, I wanted to provide you a legitimate  safe-link to view your choice of overview(s). (No email required)

Podcasts That Karan Hosts | Click on the images to take a listen and subscribe!

LATTOYG Podcast Cover_3
Blended Workforces at Work_Podcast Cover_4